使用 python 的脚本性质,通过遍历所有文件夹,并且使用相对的包来实现对文件的解压。
zip 算法属于公开,所以实现比较简单,加上几乎所有的系统都支持 zip。所以只要安装即可。
存在问题:gbk 文件名乱码
因为 zipfile 是一个外国人写的,他在编码那块没有考虑其他编码的使用。粗暴的使用if utf8 else cp437
。所以 gbk 编码的文件名会被转换成 cp437 编码。
有个办法是直接把文件名从 cp437 编码暴力转换成 gbk 编码。然后对文件名进行重命名,但是这个转换可能会导致编码丢失, 不推荐。
简单的办法是,直接修改 zipfile 包。修改 zipfile.py,直接把两处 cp437
替换为 gbk
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| zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name) for name in zip_file.namelist(): zip_file.extract(name, folder_name)
rar 解压我使用的是 unrar 包。
存在问题: 运行报错,依赖库不存在
Couldn’t find path to unrar library
rar 算法目前依然属于闭源,所以需要依赖 unrarlib 来实现解压。
windows 下需要安装 unrardll.exe http://www.rarlab.com/rar/UnRARDLL.exe。然后配置环境变量 UNRAR_LIB_PATH
到对应系统(32 位 or 64 位) 的 UnRaR.dll
参考 https://blog.csdn.net/andiao1218/article/details/101192775
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| rar_file = rarfile.RarFile(file_name, mode="r") rar_file.extract(name, folder_name)
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| import sys, time
class ShowProcess(): """ 显示处理进度的类 调用该类相关函数即可实现处理进度的显示 """ i = 0 # 当前的处理进度 max_steps = 0 # 总共需要处理的次数 max_arrow = 50 # 进度条的长度 infoDone = 'done'
# 初始化函数,需要知道总共的处理次数 def __init__(self, max_steps, infoDone='Done'): self.max_steps = max_steps self.i = 0 self.infoDone = infoDone
# 显示函数,根据当前的处理进度i显示进度 # 效果为[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]100.00% def show_process(self, i=None): if i is not None: self.i = i else: self.i += 1 num_arrow = int(self.i * self.max_arrow / self.max_steps) # 计算显示多少个'>' num_line = self.max_arrow - num_arrow # 计算显示多少个'-' percent = self.i * 100.0 / self.max_steps # 计算完成进度,格式为xx.xx% process_bar = '[' + '>' * num_arrow + '-' * num_line + ']' \ + '%.2f' % percent + '%' + '\r' # 带输出的字符串,'\r'表示不换行回到最左边 sys.stdout.write(process_bar) # 这两句打印字符到终端 sys.stdout.flush() if self.i >= self.max_steps: self.close()
def close(self): print('') print(self.infoDone) self.i = 0
if __name__ == '__main__': max_steps = 100
process_bar = ShowProcess(max_steps, 'OK')
for i in range(max_steps): process_bar.show_process() time.sleep(0.01)
# https://www.cainiaojc.com/note/qag1sz.html
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| import os import re import zipfile from unrar import rarfile import show_process
def unzip(file_name): rm_status = False tmp_texts = file_name.split(".") tmp_texts.pop() folder_name = ".".join(tmp_texts) zip_file = None try: zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name) if os.path.isdir(folder_name): pass else: os.mkdir(folder_name)
steps = len(zip_file.namelist()) process_bar = show_process.ShowProcess(steps, "解压成功!")
for name in zip_file.namelist(): process_bar.show_process()
new_file_path = os.path.join(folder_name, name)
if os.path.exists(new_file_path): if not os.path.isdir(new_file_path): os.remove(new_file_path) zip_file.extract(name, folder_name) else: try: os.rmdir(new_file_path) except OSError: pass finally: zip_file.extract(name, folder_name) else: zip_file.extract(name, folder_name)
rm_status = True except Exception: rm_status = False finally: remove_empty_folder(folder_name)
if zip_file is not None: zip_file.close()
if rm_status: os.remove(file_name) else: print("@@@@@@@保留文件@@@@@@@@:{}".format(file_name))
def unrar(file_name): tmp_texts = file_name.split(".") tmp_texts.pop() folder_name = ".".join(tmp_texts) try: rar_file = rarfile.RarFile(file_name, mode="r") if os.path.isdir(folder_name): pass else: os.mkdir(folder_name)
steps = len(rar_file.namelist()) process_bar = show_process.ShowProcess(steps, "解压成功!") namelist = rar_file.namelist() for name in namelist: process_bar.show_process() new_file_path = os.path.join("", folder_name, name)
if os.path.exists(new_file_path): if not os.path.isdir(new_file_path): os.remove(new_file_path) rar_file.extract(name, folder_name) else: try: os.rmdir(new_file_path) except OSError: pass finally: rar_file.extract(name, folder_name) else: rar_file.extract(name, folder_name) os.remove(file_name) except Exception: print("@@@@@@@保留文件@@@@@@@@:{}".format(file_name)) pass finally: remove_empty_folder(folder_name)
def remove_empty_folder(dir): g = os.walk(dir) for path, dir_list, file_list in g: if len(dir_list) == 0 and len(file_list) == 0: print("删除路径: {}".format(path)) os.rmdir(path) else: for dir in dir_list: remove_empty_folder(os.path.join("", path, dir))
def walk_file(dir_path): print("正在处理文件夹 {}".format(dir_path)) g = os.walk(dir_path) for path, dir_list, file_list in g: for file in file_list: file_path = os.path.join(path, file) if re.search(r"\.rar$", file) is not None: print("\n------> 匹配到 rar 压缩包: {}".format(file_path)) unrar(file_path) print("\n------> 解压 {} 成功".format(file)) continue elif re.search(r"\.zip$", file) is not None: print("\n------> 匹配到 zip 压缩包: {}".format(file_path)) unzip(file_path) print("\n------> 解压 {} 成功".format(file)) continue
root_path = r"G:\00001"